Polykarbon must be the best place on the net to go for good design ideas, wit, and art tutorials/pieces. I go here just about every day, hoping for that tutorial, or a couple of tips on this. A pro Web Designer, the webmaster has outdone himself. The layout is very well done, the colors actually go together [I remember when TPF's didn't...::shudder::], and he's great at explaining exactly what I happen to need help on [I've never spoken with him; in all likelyhood, he doesn't know that I exist! ^-^] at that time. 10 outta 10 stars from me! |
Time Disorder is the first non-Pok�mon site the gain the spotlight. The witty webmaster is the author of two original manga on his site and still more. A very good artist, he has a great layout and knows his code. I first found out about Time Disorder when the webmaster sent me an E-Mail, saying he was glad to find another anime site [via the Anipike] and left his calling card. I instantly liked his site. While there is a slight possiblility that he was perhaps just trying to get his site out, I doubt this, as it was already very well developed and not really in need of traffic, I suspect. So go. Visit. Now. ^.^ |
Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden [BMG], has been spotlighted due the wonderful job they have done. I love their layout and content, and while being a General site, they manage to distinguish themselves by offering a wide range of services, such as hosting[if you're lucky], Episode guides, G/S Pok�dex/Info, TCG Fakes and Real info, and much more. They also have a dedicated staff that manage to maintain the wonderful and pleasing color and layout, as well as bring up to date, and interesting, news, as well as a few exclusive tidbits. To my knowledge, they were the first to have a complete G/S Pok�dex, as I have said. Plus, they're a Grass Site. 'Nuff said. ^.^ |
I've Spotlighted Charizard Valley for a number of reasons. First, the webmaster does a superb job on her layout, as well as her wonderful graphics. Her fanfics rule, and, dispite the misled Yahoo! Club who, in my opinion, can go to--well, can't say that here... Anyway, her stories alone could have gotten her the Spotlight, but her personality and ability to find time to manage her site, write, and still talk with me is amazing. And, on top of it all, she's our affiliate! |
I've Spotlighted FCF because, for one, it is probably one of the best and largest fan fics in the running. The site layout rules, everything is filled with graphics and nicely meets the eye, and the webmaster combines the latest HTML, DHTML, and Flash techniques with his own unique sense of humor to create the closest to Perfect site on the Web. |