Well, I suppose you guys will want to know something about how to get in touch with me...
Well, as I'm only thirteen, I'm respecting the law in that ya got to be sixteen before you get ICQ... so I don't got that. I do have AIM [NOT the cursed AOL! ::makes a cross while whispering::], but I only give that out to people I need to get in contact with [such as affilaites] or friends. So sorry, you can't contact me there. I also don't give out a snail-mail address, at least not until I can afford a P.O. Box.
So! Now that you know how you can't get into contact with me, how can you get in touch with me? Well, no one can get in touch with me, I'm a goner... [Yeah, bad... -_-] However, you can alert my detached Duck Overlord self to your presence/existance if only you would drop me a note via e.mail. Man, lotsa crap to get to that, eh?
My site e.mail account is a hotmail account. I used to have a nifty forwarding address, but that really sucks, so I don't use it anymore[plus I left the host that supplied it]. It is, and I do try to make myself clear: [email protected]. Very hard to remember, so write it down, buddy. So give me C&C! I require all! ^-^